Scientific Method: Definition And The Six Steps
SCIENTIFIC METHOD – In this topic, we will learn the definition of a lesson in Science called the “Scientific Method” and its six steps.

You might have not noticed by now but the Science subject is already preparing you for Research, which is one of the most essential subjects you will encounter in the end of your high school life or college life through this particular lesson.
To begin the lesson, let’s ask ourselves: What exactly is the Scientific Method?
The scientific method, according to Science Buddies, is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.
Not all scientists would apply the method as there are areas that could easily be tested like in astronomy, how stars change as they age or in paleontology, how can a dinosaur digest food.
However, when such a direct experimentation is rendered impossible, they use this particular method.
Now the scientific method has six major steps you must follow:
1. Ask a question
Everything begins with asking a question, particularly to the things you observe. You need to know the How, What, Who, When, Where and Why of the object you are observing.
2. Make a Background Research
After asking yourself a question, you need to do a background research on that particular object. You can easily do these things in this modern era by looking through the Internet, which is widely filled with knowledge.
3. Form a hypothesis
A hypothesis is an intellectual guess, based on the article. It is an attempt to answer your question with a testable explanation. Make a hypothesis and a measurable prediction that you are about to test.
4. Conduct an experiment
In order to prove your hypothesis, you need to experiment. It is recommended to repeat the experiment to see if there are any changes.
5. Analyze the data and make a conclusion.
Collect your measurements and analyze the finding to see if it supports your hypothesis or not.
6. Share your results
Lastly, make a final report or a display on your experiment in order to share your findings to the people or fellow scientists.
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