A Young Black Bear Was Shot Because Of Being Close To Humans
YOUNG BEAR – A young black bear was shot in Northwestern Oregon after officials thought was a safety hazard for being too close to humans.

Wildlife has been different since issues about industrialization affecting nature started surfacing. Modern developments took up a huge part of most animal’s natural habitats forcing them to go out of their way and go elsewhere.
In a separate report, a polar bear was seen in the suburbs of Russia.
Meanwhile, a black bear was being ‘too friendly’ with humans.
The bear, identified as a 100-pound male black bear was estimated to be at least 2 or 3 years old. It apparently found about the food being left for it close a highway.
Human passersby from the boating community near the spot (about 30 miles west of Portland) often stop by to take selfies with it. The cub was described as friendly on social media.
Some people made calls to notify the appropriate authorities about the bear’s newly-set relationship with people. The authorities examined the pictures and was worried about the bear being too close with human passersby.
The state’s sheriff then raised a warning calling for the public to stay away from the animal since bears that get too comfortable around humans could possibly be prone to an attack.
Also noticing that the bear was being too socially close to humans, wildlife officials decided to euthanize the bear and shot it dead last Thursday.
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife then made the announcement saying that the wildlife officials “lethally removed” the bear which they was already a fixture in the same spot for the past weeks.
There were questions raised about other alternative actions the officials could’ve taken to save the bear’s life but officials responded that there was no other option.
While the case left some questioning whether authorities could have done more to save the young bear’s life, officials said there was no other option.
This is according to an article from The Washington Post.
One of the mentioned officials who euthanized the young bear, Kurt Licence – wildlife biologist – said that “…the animal was way too habituated.”
He revealed the information in a conversation with Salem Statesman Journal.
He also explained the circumstance and the action they took in a follow-up statement:
“With that information, it was a human health and safety risk, and we had to remove it.”
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.