Scientists Studied The Effects Of Cellphones To The Human Skeleton
MOBILE PHONES – Spending so much time looking down on mobile phones apparently causes the human skull to adapt and make changes, scientists say.
Although mobile phones are some of the greatest innovations in history and is incredibly helpful in our daily activities, it also has direct effects on our health.
Apparently, getting too hooked into certain apps makes people lose temper and ruin expensive smartphones when the device fails to function properly or when the app causes distress.
In a recent report, it was revealed by scientists that many people have spent so much of their time looking down on their mobile phones/tablets. They have looked down so much that their skull is starting to develop ‘bony spikes’ on the back of their heads.
The researchers also claim that the number of people who have these form of growth in their skull is increasing. It is called the ‘enlarged external occipital protuberances that can be located at the base of the human skull.
These were considered rare when they were initially discussed back in the 1800s. But now, some can even feel the bony lump with their fingers or see them at the back of the head of bald people.
Younger people have seen to be developing these lumps quite faster. Research shows that it is most common to people between the age of 18 to 30 years old.
This is according to an article from MSN News.
A detailed research on the phenomenon was lead by scientists from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland in Australia.
The researchers have over a thousand human skulls of people with ages 18 to 86 years old. It was reported in an article by BBC.
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.