There Is A Proposal To Add A Fourth Star On The Philippine Flag
PROPOSAL – A Philippine elected senator’s suggestion to add another star on the Philippine Flag’s current design with three stars and a sun.
A country’s flag is one of the most important item that symbolizes various aspects of a country. A national flag is usually designed with different signs and symbols to represent the country.
It is also universal that national flags should be handled with utmost respect. Look how netizens reacted after a young man used the flag as an accessory.
Meanwhile, in another news, elected senator Francis Tolentino made the suggestion to add a fourth star on the original design of the Philippine Flag.
Tolentino was one of the politicians who shared their messages during the 121st celebration of the Philippine Independence Day at Davao City. According to him, he want to add another star on the design to represent the Benham Rise.
The Benham rise is a seismically dynamic undersea district volcanic edge situated in the Philippine Sea that has reportedly gone extinct.
He made claims about the Benham Rise and expressed his suggestion in his statement:
“I propose a fourth star to the Philippine flag. A fourth star to reflect the Benham Rise, the future Philippines, the future land of the next generation of Filipinos.”
He also apparently wanted to celebrate the newly found freedom in the country. Freedom from certain bonds, including: freedom from the threats of illegal drugs, poverty, corruption, crime and the freedom to nurture the environment.
This is according to an article from ABS CBN.
Before this suggestion was brought to the table, a prior suggestion was presented last year.
The suggestion was brought to the Philippine Senate to compose a bill measure to add a 9th ray on the original 8 sun rays on the Philippine flag symbolizing the provinces in the state.
Another ray was proposed to be added to represent the Muslims’ heroism in the country.
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.