Here is the passing rate of BAR EXAM 2018
The passing rate of BAR EXAM 2018 was finally revealed as the excitement of bar takers and their family took a higher notch.
Supreme Court of the Philippines has announced that the passers of this year’s bar exam will be out on May 3, 2019.

Early morning of Friday, hopeful lawyers, together with their family and friends, started to gather in front of the SC building.
The SC stage was already prepared for the viewing of names of the passers this year.
8,000 people took the Bar Exam last November 2018. According to the recent Twitter post of DZRH, the passing rate of 2018 Examination is 22.07 percent.
That means, out of 8,000 takers, the Philippines now has 1,800 new lawyers.
To view the result, click this link: November 2018 BAR Exam Result – Full List of Passers