Positive Satisfaction Rating For Robredo And Sotto In The 1st Quarter of 2019

Public Satisfaction With Robredo And Sotto In A Positive Spot In This Year’s First Quarter

POSITIVE SATISFACTION – Recent opinion poll for public satisfaction shows Vice President Robredo and Senate President Sotto in a positive spot.

Satisfaction ratings of Filipinos towards political bodies are being tracked and assessed for studying and applying possible readjustments. Here is the report about the recent positive satisfaction rating for our President.

Positive Satisfaction
Photos taken from Manila Bulletin | ABS CBN News

Certain scores come with categories as shown below:

  • 70 up – excellent,
  • 50 to 69 – very good,
  • 30 to 49 – good and,
  • 10 to 29 – moderate

Meanwhile, the opinion poll carried just recently also showed former president, current House Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Supreme Court Chief Justice Lucas Bersamin’s satisfaction rating to be positively skewed. However, it stayed under “poor” and “moderate” (respectively) categories.

This is based on the article from Philstar. According to the article,

Social Weather Stations or SWS surveyed 1440 individuals (adult) all over the country. The survey results came back showing Vice President Robredo’s net satisfaction rate improving from “moderate” to “good”.

Her net satisfaction rate also went up by 15 points to a +42 increase in all areas but Metro Manila, where her net satisfaction rate decreased by 2 points.

Senate President Sotto’s net satisfaction rate, on the other hand, was maintained at “very good” category. He had a +61 increase in the 1st quarter of 2019. This is after the single-digit increases he gained in Mindanao and Balance Luzon.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Gloria Arroyo’s net satisfaction rating, although it remained under “poor” category, actually went up by 4 points from -17.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Lucas Bersamin also remained under the same category as before. Staying under “moderate”, the Supreme Court Chief Justice had score improvements in Mindanao, Balance Luzon and Visayas areas.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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