VIDEO: Indonesia Tsunami Washes Away Pop Band While On Stage

Tsunami Wave in Indonesia Washes Away Pop Band ‘Seventeen’ While Performing on Stage

INDONESIAN TSUNAMI – Here’s the video of the tsunami wave in Indonesia that washed away the pop band ‘Seventeen’ while performing on stage.

The land with lots of beautiful beaches, elephants and Komodo dragons, Indonesia, is also dominated with 127 active volcanoes

Indonesia experienced a series of natural disasters this year. Towns Baleroa and Petobo were also swept away by a landslide after an earthquake with 7.5 magnitudes. There was a powerful earthquake that happened on the island of Sulawesi last September 28.

There was a powerful earthquake that happened in the island of Sulawesi last September 28.

Photo Source: TourRadar

Based on a report from CNN, another natural disaster again was experienced again in Indonesia. It impacted at Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung where 222 people were ‘killed’ and hundreds more were missing or injured.

A tsunami was caused by a volcanic eruption and an underwater landside.

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Photo Source:

According to the report, the Indonesian band “Seventeen” performed near the beach of Sunda Strait last Saturday.

The band performed for the state-run company PLN. While performing, suddenly crashed by a huge wave going into their stage and to the audiences.

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Photo Source: CNN

‘Seventeen’ band were caught on video swept away by the tsunami wave.

The vocalist of the band, Riefian Fajarsyah, posted a video on his Instagram account informing that his bass player and band manager were annihilated by the tsunami.

“I just want to say that our bass player Bani and our manager Oki Wijaya passed away, Riefian Fjarsyah said.

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Photo Source: @Buzzfeednews Twitter

Riefian Fajarsyah also said that his wife whose birthday is on December 23 still remains missing after the terrible incident.

He shared a photo of him and his wife in Paris kissing. It came with a caption “Today is your birthday, I am wishing that you come home my love.”

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Photo Source: @ifanseventeen IG

Based on the report, Riefian Fajarsyah and the rest of his band members only obtained minor injuries.

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READ ALSO: 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Indonesia

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