Here Is the List Of Marvel Characters Created By Stan Lee (E-F)
STAN LEE – In this article, we will have a series of list of Marvel Characters created by Marvel co-founder Stan Lee (E-F).

As a tribute we will have a list of characters that he created or contributed to. This is a continuation of the list and it will summarize the characters from E-F.
Without further ado, here are the following Marvel characters (E-F):
- Eel – First appeared in Strange Tales #112. Leopold Stryke and Edward Lavell both took the role of Eel, whose costume featured small devices capable of generating large and small bursts of electricity.
- Egghead – First appeared in Tales to Astonish #38 . Egghead is skilled in the fields of robotics and engineering, and could absorb new ideas and knowledge at a seemingly superhuman rate. Elihas Starr is his other name.
- Ego the Living Planet – Appeared as a cameo in The Mighty Thor #132 and fully appeared in The Mighty Thor #133. Ego is called a “bioverse”, which means that every part of its substance, including the atmosphere, is alive as much as it is controlled by the consciousness of Ego.
- Electro – First appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #9. Electro is one of Spiderman’s villains and one of the Sinister Six. Electro has the ability to generate massive quantities of electricity, theoretically up to approximately one million volts.
- Elektro – First appeared in Tales of Suspense #13. Elektro is a supercomputer created by scientist Wilbur Poole. The computer, however, achieves independent thought and hypnotizes Poole, and forces him to build an immense robotic body, 60 feet (18 m) tall, for protection and mobility.
- Enchantress – first appeared in Journey into Mystery #103 . Two people took the title of Enchantress, with the first one being Amora, one of Thor’s enemies, and Sylvie Lushton.
- Enclave – First appeared in Fantastic Four #66. Enclave is founded by four scientists (each of whom was a world-class scientist in a different area of expertise) consisting of Dr. Jerome Hamilton, Maris Morlak, Professor Wladyslav Shinski, and Carlo Zota.
- Enforcers – first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #10 . The Enforcers are a group of hired assassins and extortionists, each with an expertise in a different unique area of combat, whose goal it is to aid various employers in the takeover of New York City’s criminal gangs.
- Eternity – First appeared in Strange Tales #138. Eternity is the de facto leader of the abstract entities collectively known as the Cosmic Powers of the Marvel Universe.
- Executioner – First appeared in Journey into Mystery #103 . Three took the role of Executioner, with Skurge being the first, an axe-wielding android member of the Crazy Gang and a vigilante named Daniel DuBois, the son of Princess Python.
- Fafnir – first appeared in Thor #134. Fafnir was originally a normal man until transformed by the properties of a magical pool into a large dragon.
- Falcon – First appeared in Captain America #117 . His alter-ego is Sam Wilson, who exhibits a close bond with his bird Redwing, which is confirmed as being a telepathic link by Professor X.
- Fancy Dan – appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #10 . AKA Daniel Britto, Fancy Dan is one of the founding members of the Enforcers.
- Fandral – appeared in Journey into Mystery #119 . Fandral is one of the members of the Warrior Three, with the two being Hogun the Grim, and Volstagg the Valiant. Fandral is an irrepressible swashbuckler and romantic. His bravery and optimism often puts the group in highly disadvantageous positions; as perennially pointed out by the gloomy Hogun.
- Fantastic Four – appeared in The Fantastic Four #1 . Fantastic Four is composed of Reed Richards/Mr.Fantastic, Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, The Human Torch/Johnny Storm, and The Thing/Ben Grimm.
- Farley Stillwell – appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #20 . Farley is a scientist who make experiment, which consist of inducing animal mutations into humans.
- Doctor Faustus – appeared in Captain America (v1) #107 . Faustus has a genius intellect, and is extremely charismatic and can modulate his voice in a highly persuasive manner.
- Femizons – There are two versions of Femizons: one from Earth-712, who appeared in Savage Tales #1; and another from Earth-616, who appeared in Captain America #386.
- Fenris Wolf – appeared in Journey into Mystery #114 . Fenris Wolf is a creature of Asgardian origin, said to be offspring of Loki and the giantess Angrboda.
- Fin Fang Foom – appeared in Strange Tales #89. Fin Fang Foom possesses super strength, the ability to fly via his wings at supersonic speeds, and can spew combustible acid mist from his mouth.
- Richard Fisk – appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #83 . Fisk has two alias, with the first one as The Schemer, and the second one as The Rose.
- Vanessa Fisk – appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #70 . She is the mother of Richard Fisk and the wife of Wilson Fisk.
- Fixer – Two people took the name of Fixer: Roscoe Sweeney, who appeared in Daredevil #1 , and Paul Norbert Ebersol, who appeared in Strange Tales #141.
- Funky Flashman – appeared in Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #6 . Funky Flashman may have no superhuman powers but he is very charismatic, charming and a skilled businessman.
- Forbush Man – Appeared in Snafu #1. His alter ego is Irving Forbush, an employee of “Marble Comics”.
- Bill Foster – Appeared in The Avengers #32 . Bill took the roles of Black Goliath, Giant-Man and Goliath. Foster has the ability to increase his size and mass to a gigantic size by psionically drawing extra mass from an extra-dimensional source while gaining superhuman strength in proportion to his height.
- Jane Foster – Appeared in Journey into Mystery #84 . Jane was a nurse employed by Dr. Donald Blake, Thor’s first mortal host, before becoming a doctor herself.
- Frederick Foswell – appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #10. Foswell is also known as Big Man and Patch.
- Frankenstein’s Monster – Appeared in Menace #7 in Atlas Comics and The Silver Surfer #7 in Marvel Comics.
- Freak – three characters took the role of Freak: both Happy Hogan and Eddie March in Iron Man, and Freak in Spider-Man.
- Frigga – appeared in Journey into Mystery #92 . Frigga is both Queen of Asgard, and the Asgardian gods, the wife of Odin, the step-mother of Thor, the biological mother of Balder, and the adoptive mother of Loki.
- Frightful Four – appeared in Fantastic Four #36. The Frightful Four is composed of Hydro-Man, Klaw, Medusa, Sandman, Thundra, Titania, Trapster, Wizard (leader), and Dragon Man.
- Nick Fury – appeared in Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #1. Nick Fury is the cigar-chomping NCO who led a racially and ethnically integrated elite unit.
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