Law professors of the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) expressed their support for Dean Nilo Divina over allegations of coverup on the death of hazing victim Horacio “Atio” Castillo III.

UST Faculty of Civil Law professors stated in a “manifesto of support” released earlier that they strongly believe that Divina “has acted with utmost circumspection, propriety, and impartiality as a Dean.”
“We have personally witnessed how he has been fair and just to all students, regardless of their affiliation. We know for a fact that he has not hesitated to take action against any student, including members of fraternities, for various infractions or noncompliance with academic requirements,” it said.
According to the law professors, they have seen Divina’s “generosity and immense sacrifice to invest in student development and promote solidarity amongst the Faculty.”
“We lament the efforts to implicate him in the recent hazing incident involving Aegis and are confident that he will be vindicated,” the manifesto said as published by Manila Bulletin.
On Wednesday, during the second hearing of Atio’s case, Senator Grace Poe asked Divina to take leave from his position as dean of College of Civil law, due to the ongoing investigation of Atio’s death.
However, Divina refused to accept Poe’s suggestion, noting he maintains “neutrality” over the case of Atio and had kept a distance from the members of Aegis Juris Fraternity, which has been hinted behind the hazing of Atio.