BREAKING NEWS: Jeepney Driver Shot Dead by a Police After a Road Rage Incident

A jeepney driver was shot to death by a police officer after the two were involved in road rage incident along Marcos Highway in Antipolo, Rizal.

The incident started when jeepney driver Petrolino Fernando sideswiped the motorcyle driven by PO2 Ronald Pentacasi, who’s assigned at Station 7 in Manggahan, Pasig.

According to Antipolo Police Community Precinct 1, the police asked the driver of the jeepney to have his vehicle be on the roadside of Catalina Street where they’re supposed to amicably settle their conflict after he noticed that it caused a heavy traffic.

Based upon the report of ABS-CBN News, the police is the one who came first on the said street. When the driver show up, Pentacasi immediately grabbed his firearm and shot the jeepney driver for three times.

The jeepney driver died on the spot while a child hanging out at the said street is injured after being hit by a stray bullet.

The child was then rushed to Antipolo District Hospital.

Meanwhile, Elma Fernando, the wife of the late jeepney driver disgruntled because according to her, Petrolino is a kind person.

She’s also problematic about raising their three small children.

Pentacasi remains at large. The authorities have coordinated with his family to trace his location.

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