The country’s longest-running drama anthology, Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK) will feature the life story of Noven Belleza, the first grand winner of “Tawag ng Tanghalan” on “It’s Showtime” this coming Saturday, April 22, 2017.
Dubbed as “The Bukid Wonder of Victorias” in Negros Occidental, Noven Belleza will be portrayed by Kapamilya star Khalil Ramos in the upcoming MMK episode which will be aired
“Si Noven actually sumali din siya sa ‘PGT’ (Pilipinas Got Talent), which is the contest that I was from. Sobrang relatable. I get where he is coming from, na lahat ng tao may pangarap sa buhay na gustong abutin. Like Noven, like me when I was in the contest, it was all about the passion. That’s what similar between Noven and I,” Khalil Ramos said in an interview with ABS-CBN News.
“He came from a very simple life back in Bacolod. It was challenging for me to fill in his shoes kasi grabe ‘yung respect ko for the agricultural workers in the Philippines. Their work is so hard. Nabibilad sila sa init araw-araw. Just like Noven, may mga pangarap din silang gusto nilang abutin. I am so inspired by his story,” he added.
“When you feel that inclination towards music, towards art, acting, I suggest you just follow it and learn and master the platform that the previous generation set for us,” he said when asked what is his advice to those who aspired to become a popular singer.
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