Look: Acrobatic Pinoy Thief Caught On Video Victimizing A Home In Lucena City

Intense CCTV footage showing an acrobatic Pinoy thief went viral!

Shocking CCTV footage showing an acrobatic Pinoy thief victimizing a home in Lucena City caught the attention of the Pinoy online community.

Social media served as a powerful tool to inform the public of the things that are happening in the country.

Take this incident as an example.

Intense video footage of the crime has outraged the netizens on the social media.

The video was shared by the Pilipinas Viral Videos on Youtube and went viral.

Video Of Acrobatic Pinoy Thief Goes Viral On Social Media!
Video Of Acrobatic Pinoy Thief Goes Viral On Social Media!

The Pinoy thief can be seen in the video checking out if anybody is observing him in a calm and relaxed manner.

A few moments later, he climbs the gate of a house by using some acrobatic style. He reached and took the blue drum away inside the compound.

After successfully grabbing the drum, the burglar then climbed out of the gate and left the place after being successful with his sneaky crime.

The CCTV footage of the incident causing anger and disgust in the online community.

According to the video uploader, the incident happened in Lucena City.

Many of the netizens were outraged by the action of the Pinoy thief.

Other social media users wondered about the contents of the stolen drum after watching the video.

“Why did he exert so much effort in stealing that drum? What was the content of that drum?”

The video which was uploaded by Pilipinas Viral Videos on Youtube now has thousands of views and has been shared by netizens who were not only shocked but were also outraged by the actions of the Pinoy acrobatic theif.

Other similar incidents were reported by netizens on various social media channels as well.

Watch the full video of the viral incident here:


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