CBCP and other lay groups launched a prayer campaign for peace in the Philippines.
The Catholic Church and some lay groups in the Philippines are hoping Filipinos will cooperate on having the prayers so that peace will reign in the country.
On Tuesday, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and various lay groups in the country launched a prayer campaign for “a nation at peace.”
The campaign was launched at 8 a.m. at the Letran Chapel in Intramuros, Manila.
The said prayer campaign will run for three months, starting September 20th.
The campaign called “A Million Roses for the World, Filipinos at Prayer for the Nation,” will run until December 23. Under this campaign, the faithfuls are requested to pray the five mysteries of the rosary daily.
In a statement CBCP President Archbishop Socrates Villegas said, “A nation at prayer is a nation at peace. We are now a nation wounded and torn by socio-cultural and political issues, divided by opposing, bickering, quarreling and even hating factions. We must stop the hate. We must stop the lies.”
“We cannot remain this way,” he added. “We must reverse the tide of hate and confusion and fill the air again with words of peace, truth and love. Let us the resist the culture of terror and fear with the balm of prayer and mercy. We have forgotten to pray. We have neglected to pray. We have been too busy with ourselves building our towers of Babel. Let us pray for the whole nation. Let us pray as a united nation.”
The archdiocese or diocese of each province will lead the daily prayer, with each mystery of the rosary intended, respectively, for an end to violence, for peace, OFWs, persecuted Christians, and the special intention of the particular province.
“Every province in the Philippines will be prayed for everyday during the rosary campaign time frame. The dates assigned for each province will be posted daily in the Facebook page “A Million Roses for the World: Filipinos at Prayer for the Nation,” Villegas added.
“We wish every province to experience the joy of being prayed for by the rest of the country,” he said.
The campaign was spearheaded by Aid to the Church in Need Philippines, Catholic Educators Association of the Philippines, the Family Rosary Crusade, and the Mother Butler Mission Guild.
The prayer campaign was in solidarity with the call of Pope Francis for prayers for a summit of world religious leaders in Assisi.