A man named Rairai Hirado was threatened by his former boss in illegal drug trades. He admitted and exposed his former job as an illegal drug courier and dealer. He also revealed the names of his bosses in his former job.
Rairai said that he is one of the biggest drug dealer in “Colambugan” he is the strongest dealer of Nonoy Peudina (his former boss) in “Altelim” (the names of persons and places are not accurately written, he can hardly pronounce the words).
He said that he disposed the drugs in Katipunan, Sto. Rosario, Malubal and other barangay near in the area.
Rairai cited that he was taking the drugs from “Andoy Delfin,” one of the trusted man of Nonoy, at the exact house of Nonoy in Colambugan.
According to him, he can dispose four to five sacks of illegal drugs per day. He said that he also one of the trusted man of Andoy to dispose illegal drugs in every barangay.
“Pag magsulod na kami ana sa ilahang balay, diha na mi mag timbang, mag packing, ako ang iyahang gina saligan. Nya mukusog ang amuang, among deal nako, ang baligya nako mu kusog so manawag si Nonoy kag Andoy nga gwapo ang akong trabaho, mayo ang akoang pag dispose,” Rairai said.
He is well-known of having a lot of couriers but after realizing that he will never be fortunate in selling drugs, he stopped and went to Zamboanga to start his new life.
However he got informed that his name and reputation in their place being a drug dealer was never been forgotten and his named was still in the list of active drug traders.
He said that he returned to his hometown and wanted to clear his name but his life got threatened by his former boss.
He had no choice but to confess his previous activities hoping that the authorities will be able to stop those persons who threatened his life. He said that his former boss hired men to execute him.
He also cited the other names of drug dealers in their area including Ot’ot, Dimple and Kimberly. Rairai said that even Nonoy was detained in prison he still continue the drug trade for he has a lot of connections in the police.