Top Drug User In Quezon Surrenders To PNP

Top drug user in Quezon City surrenders to PNP.

Top drug user in Quezon City surrendered to Philippine National Police.

President Duterte anti-illegal drug campaign was established in the Philippines to caught the corrupt government officials, drugs users, and Narco-politicians who are involved in the illegal drugs activities in the country.

President Duterte’s new administration is on its actions to end the drug trafficking in the Philippines. The President announced to the public the names of the narco-politicians who are involved in his drug list.

Many of the involved politicians surrendered and some showed up to clarify their names to the president for being innocent in the accusations.

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Now, In a recent report of the ABS-CBN news, one of the Top Drug users in the province of Quezon City surrendered to the Philippine National Police.

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