Spratlys Part Of Palawan: Rocks Can Tell

Spratlys’ Geo physical characteristics of the island is similar to Palawan.

Spratlys, as study shows that it belong to a one land mass. The Geo-physical characteristics of the island is similar to Palawan.

The rock types that can be found in the island is similar to Palawan. Experts said that despite of the sea that was standing between the island, the Spratlys belong to a one land mass.

According to a report, the study shows that the Geo-physical characteristics of the dispute island is a part of the Palawan’s continental shelf.

Mario Aurelio a U.P. NIG Director said to an interview that the convincing argument that will prove that the island belongs to a one land mass is the geology, the type of rocks that can be found in the area will support the stands that it belongs to Palawan’s continental shelf.

The magnetic property of the island is another Geo-physical characteristics that supports the argument that the Spratlys are part of Palawan. The magnetic property of the rocks that can be found in Palawan and Spratlys are all the same but different from the rest of the South China Sea.

According to an interview with Aurelio, he said that the magnetic character of the South China Sea is different to the dangerous ground, Reed Banks and in Palawan. Aurelio is confident with their studies that they conducted on the Spratlys are sufficient for the submission to the U.N.

The World Tonight, ANC, on July 18, 2016, announced the said report that a geological study shows that the dispute island can be found on the continental shelf of Palawan.

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