G7 Leaders Meeting Tackles Sea Row in Asia Pacific Region

The powerful Group of Seven (G7) leaders of the world’s wealthiest nations will discuss maritimen tensions in Asia Pacific Region primarily involving China and its neighbors, including the Philippines. The Sea Row problems in the Asia Pacific region is just one of the topics to be discussed in the said meeting as they will tackle also Middleas Extremism, North Korea’s belligerence, and the Russia-Ukraine quagmire.

G7 SummitMasato Otaka, deputy press secretary of Japan’s Ministryof Foreign Affairs (MOFA) stated the Japanese government will seek to “reaffirm th emportance of “rule of law,” including th United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (Unclos). Although there are some problems with the use of words by the Japanese government, the diplomat said that the discussion was not meant to antagonize the East Asian giant, China.

During an interview with international media, the Japanese diplomat revealed that leaders of G7 will gather at Ise-Shima in Mie Prefecture in central Japan this coming May 26-27, 2016 to discuss important issues on the global economy, including the prospect of a British exit from the EU, trade foreign policy, and climate change.

The influential Group of Seven (G7) was formed during the year 1975, representing the most industrialized democracies in the world. G7 consists of the United States of America, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the European Union.

Japan and the United States are two members of the influential G7 that supported the Philippine-claim in the hotly disputed South China Sea or the West Philippine Sea.

The Japanese government supports the Philippines’ decision to file a case before a United Nations arbitration court against China, arguing that the disputed islands were well within its 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone under the UNCLOS.

South China Sea Disputes

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