Veteran columnists Debunks Sen. Grace Poe Claims She’s Not a Liar

The Daily Tribune‘s veteran writer and well-respected columnist Ninez Cacho-Oliveres debunks Sen. Grace Poe’s claims that she is not a cheater and never been a liar but the presidential candidate is allegedly guilty of theft in the United States of America (USA).

Sen. Grace Poe cheating

Photo Credit: to the Owner

According to the documents obtained by the veteran journalist, the senator is indeed lying when she used two US Social Security Numbers (SSN), one of them was previously used by a dead person. Sen. Grace Poe has been listed with SSN 005-03-1988, first issued as stated in the document, in 1934-1951 in ME. This particular SSN has been recorded as belonging to a deceased person.

Based upon the documents obtained, Sen. Grace Poe has another SSN 538-25-2008 which was issued in 1992, this is her real SSN after she was married to an American citizen Teodoro Llamanzares in 1991.

Having two SSN in the United States, Sen. Grace Poe appears to steal, lie and cheat in the US, and having committed identity theft and/or identity fraud, which is punishable with a prison term. The journalist who obtained the documents also enumerated the number of times wherein the senator used her SSN originally owned by a dead person.

This is the first time that the Senator was caught cheating, during the presidential debate in Cagayan de Oro, she was also caught on camera taking down notes and brought her camera on the podium despite the fact that it was prohibited as claimed by some sources.

During the debate, Sen. Grace Poe also claims that “It is true I have little experience in government, but I can say that I have no experience in stealing, lying or cheating.” she said.

Here’s a Viral Video of How Sen. Grace Poe Cheated during Debates:

Grace Poe nandaya, gumamit ng cue cards na bawal sa debate #ayawkopoe

Posted by Ayaw Ko Poe on Monday, February 22, 2016

1 thought on “Veteran columnists Debunks Sen. Grace Poe Claims She’s Not a Liar”

  1. i think the person who wrote the tribune article should not depend on internet sources. she should also give a good reason why poe would do that. the only people who are buying this story are anti-poe people.


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