Presidential candidate Vice President Jejomar Binay was allegedly caught on a buying spree during his visit in an unidentified locations. According to a certain Ariel Macaraeg who posted the photo on Facebook revealed that the tiny envelopes contain P500.00 peso bills.
In a report first posted by The Maharlikan, the Vice President was giving out a little financial help to the attendee’s of his campaign tour but nobody could confirm the photo that became viral on Facebook during the past few days.
Based upon the viral photo posted online, the presidential candidate is about to shake hands with an unidentified man, an attendee of the event, holding one small envelopes while being assisted by a close ally of VP Binay.
During an interview with ABS-CBN, VP Binay was asked to comment with the said viral photo but the presidential candidate refuse to give a concrete answer.
What can you say about the latest controversy involving VP Binay? Did VP Binay starts vote buying or this is part of another demolition job against the main opposition leader of the administration party.