Blake Griffin Suspended for Four Games After Punching Incident

NBA All Star player Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers suspended by his team for four games after punching his fellow Clippers employee and also left the NBA forward with a broken hand. Blake Griffin underwent surgery last month to repair his hand.

Blake Griffin

The 32-year-old Blake Griffin attacked a team equipment amanger in a fight outside a Toronto restaurant and later on issued an apology for the incident.

Microsoft co-founder and one of the world’s most prominent sports team owner Steve Ballmer and head coach Doc Rivers said in a statement that Blake Griffin would be suspended for four games while having his pay docked for five matches.

According to the Los Angeles Clippers management, the money from the fine would be donated to charities which help disadvantaged youths in Los Angeles, California, USA.

According to reports, the five time NBA All Star Blake Griffin attacked the Clippers employee after an argument in a restaurant turned violent.

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