The Professional Regulation (PRC) will release today, November 6, 2015, the official results of the October 2015 Criminologist Board Exam. Aside from the list of passers, the PRC will also released the List of Topnotchers or the Top 10 Passers of the recently concluded examination.
Here’s the Complete List of Topnotchers (Top 10 Passers):
Note: Don’t forget to come back at around 9:00 PM tonight, the results will be added here…
We are preparing this particular page for the complete list of Topnotchers or the Top 10 Passers of the October 2015 Criminologist Licensure examination which was conducted last October 17, 18 and 19, 2015.
During the October 2014 Criminologist Licensure Examination, the results was released after 26 working days with a total of 12, out of 28,187 passed the board exam held in various designated testing centers across the Philippines.
Last April 2015 Criminologist Board Exam the results was released after 13 working days with a total of 4,337 out of 14,696 passed the board exam.
During the last two board exam for Criminilogist, the University of Cebu, consistently hailed as the Top Performing Schools. The record of UC as the top performing schools started way back the year 2011.
I would like to ask the exact date of result for Criminologist Board Exam.
May i reuest for the list of oct 2015 board of criminologist.thank u.
please notify me if the result is already available thanks and God bless.
please notify me if the result is already available thanks and God bless.