The movie “Heneral Luna” is now considered as one of the country’s top grossing movie with more than P170 million in box office income and its producers declare it as the “highest grossing historical film of all time,” in the Philippines so far.
According to Joji Villanueva Alonso, the producer of “Heneral luna,” the Jerrold Tarog’s film “has broken norms and patterns and the usual dwindling statistics as each week p(–foul word(s) removed–).”
The historical epic “Heneral Luna” is now on its fourth week in theaters nationwide, the movie continues to break box office records and so far earned an estimated P172,247,581 in box office income.
The producer of the movie also provided a breakdown of the film’s earnings for the past four weeks:
1st week (Sept. 9-15): P15,333,299
2nd week (Sept. 16-22): P44,066,423
3rd week (Sept. 23-29): P104,010,219
4th Week (as of Sept. 30): P8,937,640
The producers of the top-grossing movie are now urging the supporters of the film to continue watching the breakthrough film so they can reach their breakeven point of P200 million.