Pres. Aquino’s Satisfaction Ratings Increase to Benefit Mar Roxas Presidential Bid

President Benigno S. Aquino’s increase in satisfaction ratings is seen to benefit the presidential bid of former Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas. This was revealed by a senior official of the ruling Liberal Party (LP) during a statement on Thursday.

Mar Roxas for President

According to LP spokesperson, Eastern Samar Rep. Ben Evadone the social weather station (SWS) survey conducted this September will have a positive effect on Mar Roxas presidential bid.

The SWS reports that based on its September 2 to 5 survey, they found that 64 percent of 1,200 respondents nationwide were satisfied with Pres. Aquino’s performance.

SWS also reported that 22 percent of the respondents said they were dissatisfied while 14 percent were undecided.

The results of the survey pushed up President Aquino’s net satisfaction rating (percent satisfied minus percent dissatisfied) to “Good” +41 that was 11 points above the “Good” +30 in June and the highest since the “Good” +42 posted in March 2014.

Rep. Evardone pointed out that Mr. Aquino’s improved satisfaction rating was proof the the public was supportive of administration’s daang matuwid governance and the President’s high approval ratings “will matter a lot” in the voter’s choice for his successor in next year’s general elections.

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