The controversial actor Jiro Manio, who was reportedly homeless told reporters on Tuesday that he is not an actor anymore. The reporters visited Jiro Manio and tried to interview the award-winning actor amidst reports that he is roaming and begging for food at NAIA Terminal 3 in Pasay City.
According to various reports, the 23-year-old actor had been staying for four days at the airport’s departure area. The multi-awarded actor was taken into custody by airport police after photos of him going around the terminal circulated online.
The Police officers who took custody of the controversial actor noted that they already gave food to Jiro Manio and they were looking forward for someone from Jiro’s family to pitch him so that they can release the actor.
Jiro Mario appeared to be disoriented with his families but initially he declined for an interviews, yesterday he was seen wearing dirty clothes, had long nails and some scratches on his neck.
When the reporters told the “Magnifico,” star about his viral photos on Facebook, he responded by asking who is behind the alleged “smear campaign” against him. He also insisted hearing about a certain theft, on the subject of people expressing concern for him.
The most awarded child actor whose real name is Jiro Katakura was quoted as saying “Hindi ko sila katrabaho. Iba trabaho ko. Hindi ako artista,” said Jiro Manio as he added further that he got no father.
Here’s an ambushed interview by Reporters with Jiro Manio: