Kapamilya actress Angelica Panganiban denies the latest rumors circulating online that she is now separated with long-time boyfriend John Lloyd Cruz. The actress vehemently denied about the split rumors with her fellow Kapamilya stars, as she revealed the status of their relationship on the sidelines of the 2015 Gawad Urian on Tuesday night.
When the 28-year-old actress was asked about the rumors on their break up, the “Pangako Sa ‘Yo” star just responded that the rumors are baseless. According to Angelica, she was even rushing to leave the awards night because John Lloyd Cruz will be arriving from Spain.
The break up rumors between Angelica Panganiban and John Lloyd Cruz started with Philippine Star columnist Ricky Lo revealed that his “very deep penetration agent,” said that the two lovers have not spoken for three weeks now.
Ricky Lo was quoted as saying “The same thing happened last year but they were able to patch things up before they got worse. This time, feel ko tuluyan na silang maghihiwalay,” Lo’s source added.
Angelica Panganiban and the 31-year-old John Lloyd Cruz have been in a romantic relationship since September 2012.