The daughter of action star Robin Padilla, Queenie Padilla confirmed through entertainment site, that she is now married in Dubai to a non-showbiz guy. She also noted that she is now known as Mashel Khadija Mir, her Musliim name and currently based in Dubai. The confirmation of Queenie Padilla was made during on June 9, 2015 through a message sent to the entertainment site by the Queenie herself.
According to reports, the 22-year-old Queenie Padilla first posted on her Instagram bio, the description of herself as “wifey.” Even the public Facebook account of Queenie, her profile was also changed to “married” status.
Although there are already indications that Queenie Padilla was already married, the former Kapamilya actress seems to hide her current status and just want her life as a married woman as private. Queenie Padilla did not reveal yet, the photos of her husband on the photos she posted online.
The only photo that was posted by Queenie regarding her relationship is a throwback couple photo, featuring the daughter of Robin Padilla and her alleged husband who were walking away from the camera. The photo has an added caption that says: “I still remember that moment like it was yesterday…. ‪#hubby ‪#nikkah #2012.”
The word “nikkah,” which was used by Queenie Padilla as one of the hashtag means “a legal contract between new married couple under the Islam religion.”
Queenie Padilla also noted that right now she is not planning to have a baby, instead, she want to enjoy her married life first, grow more as a person, and learn more about Islam.