Photos of pink sky was shared on Facebook by various user and most of them confirmed that the photo was not edited and it did happen in Cagayan de Oro on Tuesday during sunset. The unusual pink sky caught the attentions of some residents in Barangay Bulua in Cagayan de Oro City.
Some of the pictures posted on Facebook showed that the sky changed its color from orange to pink. Facebook user Trishia Mendoza and Carlo Mercado shared their pink sky photos online and was posted by ABS-CBN.
According to weather specialist June Frivaldo, the changing of the color of the sky is the effect of the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere.
Here’s some photos of the Pink Sky in Cagayan de Oro City:
Photo Credit: Trisha Mendoza & Carlo Mercado
If you have some photos of the pink sky just add your photos through the comments section below and we will update this post to include your photos.