Kapuso actor Dingdong Dantes posted the baby bumps of his wife Marian Rivera on photo-sharing site, Instagram. Dingdong Dantes posted the photo of Marian Rivera wearing a figure-hugging orange dress that emphasized her growing tummy.
The 34-year-old actor added the following caption “”I wish to salute you everyday for gracefully carrying our gift. A clear preamble of how you’ll be when that day comes. From today, and all succeeding years hereafter, you will be recognized for this new remarkable designation. I’m proud of you. Happy Mother’s Day!”
Marian Rivera on her part thanked Dingdong Dantes for being her source of strength amid the struggles of beinga first-time expectant mom. Dingdong and Marian got married during an elaborate wedding last December, in a celebration dubbed as the “royal wedding.”
The 30-year-old Marian Riveral also revealed that her husband Dingdong Dantes gave her a pair of baby shoes that symbolizes her being a mother and their family life ahead, the photo of the said gift was also posted by Marian on her official Instagram account.
Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes got married last December 30, 2014 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Cubao, Quezon City. The Royal Wedding is considered as one of the most expensive nuptial in the country as it reached an estimated PhP20 million in expenses.