One of the world’s most popular magazine, Sports Illustrated showcased boxing icons Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr., on their special two-cover issue. The double cover issue of the preeminent American sports magazine featuring the world’s greatest boxers will be the magazine’s May 2015 issue.
The unbeaten American Floyd Mayweather Jr. is featured in front cover while the Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao is in the back. The special issue speaks volumes about the magnitude of the highly anticipated May 2 (May 3, Manila time) fight.
The Sports Illutrated magazine billed the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather boxing match as the “Fight of the Century.” The announcement of the May 2015 issue was announced officially by the magazine’s official website.
The boxing special issue featuring two of the boxing world’s future hall of famer, is a rare for the Sports Illustrated that ventures outside the favorite American sports of gridiron football, baseball, and basketball for its cover.
The 36-year-old Manny Pacquiao will face his greatest opponent since Juan Manuel Marquez defeated the Filipino champ. Floyd Mayweather (37) is considered as one of the greatest boxers, the United States produced, is gunning for his 48th victories.