Former child star and Kapamilya actor Patrick Garcia tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend and live-in partner, Nikka Martinez on Saturday in a wedding ceremony held at the Blue Leaf Pavillion on Macapagal Avenue, Pasay City. The wedding photos and video of the Patrick Garcia and Nikka Martinez nuptial are available below.
Patrick Garcia and his fiancee Nikka Martinez was engaged last July, while their love story began way back the year 2011 when Nikka “jokingly” invited Patrick Garcia to meet her family back in Dumaguete.
At the start of their romantic relationship, Nikka thought that Patrick will not come with her in Dumaguete but the actor tried his best to be with Nikka as she visited her family in the province.
According to the 32-year-old Patrick Garcia, he credited his wife Nikka Martinez for making his faith in God strong, as both celebrity couple attended the same Christian church.
The couple decided to marry in March this year, which coincides with the birth month of their one-year-old daughter Chelsea. Patrick Garcia has also a child with Kapuso actress Jennylyn Mercado, the four-year-old Alex Jazz.
The Wedding Photos & Video of the Couple will be added here once available: