SWS: Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay Satisfaction Rating the Lowest So Far

The second highest official of the country, Vice President Jejomar Binay got the lowest satisfaction ratings so far according to the latest survey released by the Social Weather Station. The SWS survey was conducted last November 27 to December 1, 201 showing the Vice President’s net satisfaction rating dropping to +44, with 56% of Filipinos saying that they are satisfied with Binay’s performance compared to 20% who are dissatisfied.

Vice President Jejomar Binay

According to the SWS results, the net satisfaction rating is lower than the +52 reported in September. The drop in satisfaction rating of Vice Pres. Binay was due to the corruption allegations taking a toll on his rating which fell to a record low since assuming office as the Vice President of the country.

During an interview with Mornings@ANC, SWS president Mahar Mangahas noted that Binay’s satisfaction rating is still good, noting that both President PNoy and Vice President Binay have longer “honeymoon periods” compared to previous top leaders.

Although the Vice President got a lower satisfaction rating in the latest SWS survey, Vice Pres. Binay still has better numbers than Senate Pres. Franklin Drilon, House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte and Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno.

Sen. Drilon’s rating fell to +28 from +36, while Speaker Belmonte’s rating also dropped to +11 from +3 while Sereno’s slightly improved to +11 to +10. The President on the other hand, Pres. PNoy latest SWS net satisfaction rating improved from +34 to +39 during the survey.

Aside from the above-mentioned public officials, the Senate’s net satisfaction rating also dropped to +26 from +28, the Supreme Court fell to +26 from +32, and the House of Representative’s rating dropped to +20 from +21 while the Aquino Cabinet members had the biggest drop in satisfaction rating, from +18 to +9.

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