These people from the Philippines were on the path of a huge twister or tornado which was about to hit their small village, but instead of panicking these people did something different and they were saved by God’s power, the power of prayer and faith spared the village from the twister’s wrath. These believers gathered together and started praying, what will happen next will surely shock you, for me I’m still shaking, watching the video.
Here’s How the Power of Prayer Saved These People From Danger:
The viral video showcased how God’s power worked in every ways, at first as seen in the video, the twister was just a few kilometers away from the village.
The believers in the village will had no other option because of the twister’s speed, but instead of evacuating, they decided to stay and prayed for their one and only saviour Jesus Christ.
These people did not panicked instead they stayed together, prayed hard, some of them were “speaking in tongues,” terms used by Born Again Christians, who were gifted with speaking in unfamiliar language. What these people did was really amazing as they put all their trust and faith to Jesus Christ.
While praying, miracles happened as the twister slowly moved away and it was completely gone as recorded by some believers. The people was then seen shouting for joy and praising the Lord for the miracles.
Nothing is powerful than prayer! The viral video was first posted by Pinoy Kulitan Worldwide Facebook Page last October 2, 2014 and it has gone viral ever since.