The Japanese government announced on Tuesday, that their government started to simplify or ease the Visa requirements for Filipinos. In an official statement released through various news media organization in the Philippines, Japan noted that in order to boost tourist arrivals from the Philippines, the Japanese government simplify the Filipinos’ procurement of visas.
According to the official statement of the Japanese Embassy in Manila, they announced that the “substantial relaxation of multiple visas” is coupled with the extension of visa validity for up to five years.
The Japanese Embassy added further that, for those applicants residing outside of their countries of origin, it will now become possible to apply at the diplomatic mission which has jurisdiction over their place of residence, according to the Embassy of Japan’s announcement.
Aside the residents of the Philippines, the Japanese government also announced internationally that they also eased the visa requirements for nationals of Indonesia and Vietnam.
The Japanese government also noted that the process for acquiring single-entry tourism visas by registered travel agencies will be simplified also starting this coming November 2014.
The move of the Japanese Embassy to ease the Visa requirement will benefit three of its Asian neighbors as the country aim to make Japan a “tourism-oriented” economy as well promote people-to-people exchanges.