The 2009 Korean drama series titled “Two Wives” is set for a Filipino adaptation on ABS-CBN. It was announced publicly Thursday, September 25, 2015 at ABS-CBN.
This will be portrayed by Erich Gonzales who will be Janine and Kaye Abad as Yvonne. The man whom they will be fighting for will be portrayed by Jason Abalos who will be Victor in the story. He will be struggling on whom to chose between his past and present commitment.
Victor and Yvonne already had been divorced because of certain reason. It’s then after Victor starts his new life with single mom Janine whom he had an affair with. But then, Victor got a car accident that made him forget everything especially for Janine. He just thought that he was still married with Yvonne. Yvonne on her part who want Victor to recover just played with how Victor believes her to be his wife still.
It’s Filipino adaptation already released it’s teaser. With it, you’ll see the confrontation scene between the women namely Erich and Kaye.
Indeed, “Two Wives” will be the latest Korean drama series that will be adapted by ABS-CBN. It is after the success of the Filipino adaptation of several Korean TV series titled, “My Girl” in 2008, “Lovers in Paris” in 2009 and “Green Rose” in 2011. Another Filipino adaptation of such Korean TV series is the Filipino version of “Pure Love” portrayed by Alex Gonzaga, Yen Santos, Joseph Marco, Matt Evans and Arjo Atayde. This is airing week days in ABS-CBN’s Primetime Bida.
Even if it’s teaser is already released, the official date it will be shown is yet to be announced.
Watch the teaser below.