The popular talent show “Asia’s Got Talent”, dubbed by the Guinness World Record as the “Most Successful Reality TV Format”, will be holding an audition in Manila.
Anyone who wishes to showcase their talent is welcome to audition this Sunday September 28, 2014 at the SMX Convention Center from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The show welcomes individual or group act of all ages.
Additional events are added in other Asian countries including Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia for those who were not able to make it on Manila auditions. There will be an online audition also on their official website
“Asia’s Got Talent” which is co-owned by Simon Cowell and FreemantleMedia will debut on AXN channel in the first quarter of 2015. The show will be aired across 20 countries in Aisa including the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, China and Hong Kong.
In April this year, the Guinness World Record named the “Got Talent” as the World’s “Most Successful Reality TV Format” with 58 productions across the world. It was successfully aired in Europe, Africa, America, Middle-East and Asia Pacific.
The local franchise of the country is “Pilipinas Got Talent” which was hosted by Luis Manzano and Billy Crawford aired on ABS-CBN. The judges were Kris Aquino , Ai-Ai delas Alas and Freddie Garcia.
The kapamilya network has already aired four seasons of “Pilipinas Got Talent” since it premiered in February 2010.