You Won’t Believe What These Children Asks from Adults! What Happens Next Made Me Cry!

What would happen if some children would asked something from you but you consider it bad for them although you keep on doing it? Most people will usually react and deny the requests of children because they know that it is not good for their health. This is really true in the event when some children would asked a smokers to light their cigarette.

This is How Adults Reacts to Children Asking for a Light:

Based upon the video above, the adult smokers reacted and denied the requests of children who were asking to light a cigarette for them. Most smokers even taught those children some lessons about the harm that smoking could cause on their young body.

The ad video which was created by the Thai Health Promotions Foundations, features numerous adults smoking a few sticks of cigarette, then the two children enters the scene and asks these adults to light their sticks.

The adult smokers, despite their vices, warned the two children, the dangers of smoking. They showed their concerned to the young children by giving them some advices without knowing that in the end the children who asked something from them will teach them their lessons in an emotional way.

Before the end of the video, the children gave the adults a piece of paper containing the ad campaign for smokers. The piece of paper is not just a reminder, a hotline number was also included if smokers needed help.

Brilliant Ad Video

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