A homeless man was totally ignored during the past few days while waiting for someone who could gave him something for his daily provisions. There are thousands of people who walk by this homeless man but nobody caught his attention. Three German students want something for a change, so they decided to sat down with the homeless man and did something magical.
Watch the video of the Homeless Man & Three German Students:
The first German student sat with the homeless man and asked to borrow his bucket which he wants to used as a drum. As the student started to to play a song with his bucket drum, the second and third student accompanied the homeless man as they sang a beautiful music to the delight of passers by who in return decided to gave something to the homeless man.
The homeless man was so shocked and could not believe with his own eyes, somebody whom he doesn’t knew help him in a decent and most emotional way. The look of surprise in the homeless man’s face is really picture perfect.
The video have already gone viral for the past few days garnering more than 9 million views on YouTube and was already featured on various international blogs such as ViralNova.com and 9Gag.TV.