The latest Kapamilya drama series “Pure Love,” ranked fourth in nationwide ratings after the series debuted on Monday, July 7, 2014. Before the series debuted, the trailer of the drama series which is an adaptation of the hit Korean drama “49 Days,” already generated enough buzz online.
The announcement of Alex Gonzaga as the main character of “Pure Love,” also conquered the trending topics on various social media sites. According to research firm, Kantar Media, the series “Pure Love,” garnered a nationwide ratings of 19.5%.
The ratings of “Pure Love” dominated its time slot in terms of ratings, the series competed against GMA-7’s “My BFF,” which registered a total of 10.7% audience share.
Due to the huge ratings of “Pure Love” on its debut, the latest drama series ranked fourth overall in the list of most watched programs in the country on July 7, just trailing behind top-rating series “Dyesebel,” “Ikaw Lamang,” and “TV Patrol,” in particular order.
The pilot episode of Purel Love also dominated the trending topics in the Philippines and worldwide as the hashtag “#PureLovePilotEpisode” placed among the most talked about topic on micro-blogging site Twitter.
The top-rating series “Pure Love,” tells about the story of an optimistic bride-to-be Diane (Alex Gonzaga), who was involved in a car accident and ends up comatose. During her state of coma, Diane was told by mysterious “Scheduler” (Matt Evans) that it is not her time yet to die, noting that she will wake up again if she fulfills her mission.
The mission of Diane is to gather three teardrops shed out of pure love by three people within the next 40 days. Diane possesses the body of Ysabel (Yen Santos), a depressed woman who attempted suicide.
Watch the trailer of Pure Love: