Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg was featured on the latest installment of Transformers as the teaser of the film was shown during the Super Bowl 2014. The 42-year-old Mark Wahlberg replaced Shia LaBeouf on Michael Bay’s Transformers film, Transformers: Age of Extinction.
Watch the Transformers 4 Trailer:
The trailer of the highly anticipated fourth installment of Transformers was featured for the very first time on national TV as Mark Wahlberg’s Decepticon fighting skills was showcased.
Aside from Mark Wahlberg’s introduction to Transformers, there is also a Dinobots, but only little details were revealed about the Jur(–foul word(s) removed–)ic robots based upon the clip shown on during the Super Bowl commercial.
The trailer of Transformers has the usual dose of explosions and destruction with some extraordinary heroic screaming on set. For Mark Wahlberg’s part, he plays as a mechanic and father who makes discovery that unleashes the wrath of the Autobots, Decepticons and the US National Government.
The producers of the Transformers movie was credited and praised by the media for not revealing even a frame of their commercial online prior to its television debut in one of the world’s most popular sporting event, the Super Bowl XLVIII.
The teaser of Transformers features Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg running, jumping, and screaming alongside transforming machine which made the Transformers movie franchise a huge success.
The “Lone Survivor” actor added more action and intensity to the Transformers franchise as the world awaits the showing of the movie in various international theaters worldwide starting on June 27, 2014.