‘Cell Phone Crashing’ at the Airport Video Went Viral

A YouTube video went viral after a notorious prank man along  with his wife posted a video called “cellphone crashing.”

The video posted by MediocreFilms dated December 15, 2013 hit more than 5 million views and still running.

The 3-minute video was recorded  by man only identified as Greg Benson along with his wife holding the hidden camera nearby  secretly recording the video without anyone on the Terminal 4 at Los Angeles International Airport noticing it.


As seen in the video, Greg Benson sits down next to someone having a conversation with over the phone and then the pretending-to-be-talking over to another person would respond directly beside the person he’s sitting.

One woman says, “I’ll text you,”  to someone on the other line, and Benson sitting right next to her respond on the girl’s conversation saying, “Great, text me. Text me and I’ll text you back,” into the phone he’s on. After the conversation, the woman jeers over the situation and said,”Were you listening to my conversation?,” But Benson insist saying ” No, no! I was on the phone with my buddy,” and among others.

Cell phone crashing prank already had three episodes which includes, “cell phone crashing;” at a park, at a soccer game and in San Francisco.

Cell Phone crashing

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