Melanie Marquez Survived Car Accident in Arizona, USA Photo

Melanie Marquez Survived Car Accident in Arizona, USA Photo

Former Miss International beauty queen who won the pageant in Tokyo, Japan last 1979 Melanie Marquez, was immediately rushed in the hospital after a vehicular accident in Arizona, USA last December 7.

Marquez family is currently based inĀ rural town of Annabella, Utah, and according to Dee, Melanie Marquez daughter, the accident happened around 5:30 p.m on December 7, and other p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers were identified as Adam, Marquez son, her best friend Arline and Terecita, Arline’s mom.

Due to this car accident Melanie Marquez is now recovering from a “two fractures on her spine in the T2 and L1 regionĀ a fractured sternum and swelling all over her body,” but she is set to discharge for the next two days.

Dee added that the truck slid on clear ice and fell into a cement canal with 12 meters deep with no way out.

Even though she couldn’t be able to get out, Melanie Marquez took courage and climb her way out of the cement canal, “she had to walk a long ways away from the accident before she found way out,” Dee said.

In the said accident, Melanie Marquez husband, Atty. Randy “Adam”- Lawyer help rescued her wife, and the authorities were also able to reach Marquez and her companions at 6:30 p.m, but it was two hours after before they brought to hospital.

Arline, Melanie Marquez friend, sustained three broken ribs and fractured sternum while Arline’s mother is recovering from a fractured back, sternum and two broken ribs.

Meanwhile, Melanie Marquez son, only got a couple bruises and cuts, and walk out of the hospital fine.

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