Watch Ice Disk Spinning in North Dakota Went Viral

Watch Ice Disk Spinning in North Dakota Went Viral

As of November 26, retired engineer George Loegering from North Dakota has found a rare spinning disk of ice in the Sheyenne River and immediately took video on the unusual phenomenon.

After  Loegering’s discovery of  the huge ice disk uploaded on social media sites, his video became viral as it circulated online.

A perfect circle ice disk formed is about 50 feet in diameter, gently rotating in the water.

73-year-old Loegering of C(–foul word(s) removed–)elton, North Dakota said in the video “It’s an amazing wonder, I don’t have a clue how it did it, but that thing is rotating, as you can see.”

In regard with this phenomenon, National Weather Service Hydrologist and a Weather Service Meteorologist said that the ice circle could be attributed to the cold, dense air that collected over North Dakota.

They also added, that the river began to freeze from the cold, but slowly enough that tiny chunks of ice probably got caught together in an eddy and formed a tidy little galaxy spinning out on the water.

Allen Schlag, a National Weather Service hydrologist said that its not a continuous sheet of ice and if you were to throw a grapefruit-size rock on it, it would break down and she added it’s not a solid piece of ice, it’s a collection of ice cubes in other words never dare to walk on it.

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