The renowned Paul William Walker IV, who is best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in the Fast and Furious film series was confirmed dead in a single-car accident and explosion in Southern California just this Saturday afternoon.
According to the reports, Paul Walker was found dead after a car collision in Southern California wherein the said vehicle he rode on which a Porsche GT was enfluged in flames after two fatalities in a traffic collision occurred at approximately 3:30 p.m.
The Los Angeles Country Fire Department extinguished the flames, and two victims were pronounced dead at the scene; including Paul Walker who said to be the p(–foul word(s) removed–)enger at the time, and was not the one driving.
Immediately after the breaking news, a statement on Walker’s death was also posted on his official Facebook page saying:
“It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide. He was a p(–foul word(s) removed–)enger in a friend’s car, in which both lost their lives. We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news. Thank you for keeping his family and friends in your prayers during this very difficult time. We will do our best to keep you apprised on where to send condolences. – #TeamPW.”
Immediately following the news, messages started to pour in on Twitter. Among those who expressed grief over Walker’s death were his Fast and the Furious costar Ludacris, his 1999 She’s All That costar Gabrielle Union, and his 2000 Skulls costar Joshua Jackson. Read on for their reactions, and others:
Gabrielle Union: There are no words… Someone pls say this is just another absurd internet hoax
Ludacris: Your humble spirit was felt from the start, wherever you blessed your presence you always left a mark, we were like brothers & our birthdays are only 1 day apart, now You will forever hold a place in all of our hearts @paulwalker legacy will live on forever. R.I.P.
Olivia Wilde: Heavy heavy heart tonight. Paul Walker was a genuinely good, sweet, kind, laid back, loving person. Sending much love to his family.
Vanessa Lachey: I just heard and am in shock. Prayers to Paul Walker’s family. Life is precious, never take a day for granted. #RIPPaulWalker
Michael B. Jordan: Man life is so short. People you care about can be here one min and gone the next Don’t take life for granted RIP Paul Walker
Joshua Jackson: Damn. Hard to imagine someone so full of life taken so soon. My thoughts go out to your family. RIP Pauly Walker
Jay Sean: Oh man just read about Paul Walkers death. So young. Ugggh makes me sick especially when it’s caused by an accident. God bless his soul.
It’s really a heartbreaking news for all of us, but Paul Walker may be gone, but forever he’ll be stay in our hearts. May he rest in peace.