Philippine reality variety show “I Dare You Season II,” hosted by John Prats, Deniesse Aguilar, Robi Domingo, and Melai Cantiveros will challenge the Beauty Queens as MMDA officers.
Each week, the series showcases an everyday Filipino (an individual, family or community), who refers to as Bidang Kapamilya. These people are those who struggles everyday on life’s challenges and have inspiring stories to tell.
Together with the hosts, celebrity guests will be challenged to get out of their comfort zone and undergo different challenges to win prizes for the Bidang Kapamilya and the guests will also experience the role of an ordinary people and what they do in an ordinary day.
After Maalaala Mo Kaya as of October 19, 2013 Saturday in the evening, the host will challenge the Beauty queens Precious Lara Quigaman, Wendy Valdez, and Tina Marasigan who will shed grace and poise off their image to take on the roles of Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) officers who serve the public everyday.
The trio will live the ups and downs of MMDA employees and toil on the metro’s roads as traffic aides, as well as clean creeks and take down billboards. Will Precious Lara, Wendy, and Tina be able to go through the real-life challenges to provide scholarship for the kid of Bidang Kapamilya Veri, a traffic enforcer, and a wellness fair for MMDA employees?.
Don’t Miss this episode.