Terrence Romeo Named as UAAP MVP for Season 76

Terrence Romeo of the Far Eastern University Tamaraws was awarded as the Most Valuable Player of the UAAP Season 76 edging out former MVP, Bobby Ray Parks of the National University Bulldogs.

Terrence Romeo


The FEU Tamaraws stalwart Romeo got a totalc o 75.2857 statistical points (SPs) and led his team with an impressive undefeated run in the first round of the UAAP and ending the elimination with a record of 10-4 win-loss card. Romeo has an averaged of 22.2 points per game, 6.3 rebounds and 3.9 (–foul word(s) removed–)ists.

NU Bulldogs superstar Ray Parks collected a total of 73.8571 statistical points with an averaged of 18.3 points, 8.4 rebounds, and 3.8 (–foul word(s) removed–)ists per game. Ray Parks was even behind Charles Mammie, who was disqualified.

Charles Mammie of the University of the East has a total of 75.0 statistical points with his 15.1 points, 19.0 rebounds, but he was disqualified in the contention for the MVP award due to his suspension.

UST’s big man Karim Abdul finished third in the MVP race garnering a 70.9286 statistical points. Following Abdul is UE guard Roi Sumang, who got 64.0 statistical points while National University center Emmaneul Mbe followed Sumang with a total of 63.6514 statistical points.

The Mythical Five of the UAAP Season 76 will probably be given to Romeo, Parks, Abdul, Sumang and Mbe but the UAAP Board is still deciding if they will allow two foreigners to be featured in the league’s Mythical Team.

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