The Kapuso Network have already released their official teaser of their upcoming Sunday musical variety program dubbed as “Sunday All Stars.” The show will replaced “Party Pilipinas” after it took its final bow last May 19, 2013.
According to a press released made by GMA, the “Sunday All Stars” is dedicated for an all-out fun Sunday afternoon for the whole family as the brightest and hottest Kapuso stars will will unite for the launch of the newest and most exciting musical-variety program.
The Sunday All Stars will infuse a new level of noontime TV experience to the Filipino viewers. The show will also feature 4 celebrity teams, each team headed by a Kapuso artist, who will participate for a showdown every week.
The Sunday All Stars is directed by Rommel Gacho, the show according to GMA will definitely bring fun and excitement every Sunday afternoon through its world-cl(–foul word(s) removed–) performers, ground-breaking concepts, and inventive production numbers.
Watch the official teaser video of Sunday All Stars: