The Sub-Professional Results of the Civil Service CSE-PPT held last April 2013 was already released by the Civil Service Commission today, May 29, 2013. The Sub-Professional exam results for Civil Service exam was released alongside the Professional exam list of passers.
Aside from the Sub-Professional Level for the Civil Service Examination, other examinees took the Civil Service Exam Professional Level to obtain a permanent and higher positions in various government installation nationwide.
For Sub-Professional Level, the examination covers vocabulary, grammar and correct usage, paragraph organization, reading comprehension, and clerical operations, the subject that for Sub-Prof which replaces Analogy, Logic and Numerical Reasoning.
The CSC announced that “Results of the CSE-PPT are usually released from three to four months after the examination. The names of passers shall be posted at the CSC website.”
The Civil Service Commission conducted the CSE-PPT, a general ability test designed to measure individual’s preparedness to enter government service. Examinations are conducted in April and October every year.
CSC noted that all passers, who get a score of 80% or higher, are conferred a Career Service Eligibility, a basic requirement to obtain permanent appointment in government.
Here’s the results of passers listed in Alphabetical order (Regional Results): Sub-Professional
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6
I need HELP if someone have a soft copy reviewer for Sub Professional please send it on my e-mail add: [email protected]
thank you so much for concerned.