The “Wowowillie” show hosted by Willie Revillame is once again summoned by the MTRCB. The Movie and Television Review and Cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ification Board (MTRCB) has summoned the executives of TV5 show for a hearing on Monday, April 22.
The noontime show is in trouble again after Facebook netizens and few individuals complained about the skimpy outfits and alleged excessive flesh exposure on the part of Wowowillie’s female dancers in it’s April 16 episode.
Here’s the series of tweets from MTRCB:
MTRCB summons Wowowillie anew for skimpy outfits & excessive flesh exposure in 16 April 2013 episode
— MTRCB (@MTRCBgov) April 18, 2013
MTRCB demands explanation from TV5 & Wowowillie over very skimpy outfits of female dancers in 16 April 2013 episode
— MTRCB (@MTRCBgov) April 18, 2013
MTRCB expresses concern for children and women viewers concerning flesh exposure in Wowowillie
— MTRCB (@MTRCBgov) April 18, 2013