Pres. Aquino: One of 100 Most Influential People List by Time

The Philippine President Benigno Aquino III is listed as one of the world’s 100 “Most Influential People” in the annual Time 100 List. He joined some of the world’s most popular icons, artists, leaders, titans and pioneers who comprised the 100 List.

According to Howard Chua-Eoan, Time magazine’s news director, he described Aquino as a courageous President, who “become the face of the regional confrontation with Beijing over its claim to virtually all of the South China Sea.”

President Aquino was also lauded for stabilizing the country’s “sputtering economy.” He joined the likes of US Pres. Barrack Obama, South Korean Pres. Park Geun-hye, China Pres. Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Pope Francis to name a few.

Here’s the complete lists of Leaders in the TIME 100 List:

  • Rand Paul
  • Noynoy Aquino
  • Barack Obama
  • Chris Christie
  • H(–foul word(s) removed–)an Sheik Mohamud
  • John Brennan
  • Park Geun-hye
  • Yair Lapid
  • Wayne LaPierre
  • Kamala Harris
  • Fethullah Gulen
  • Xi Jinping
  • Wilfredo De Jesús
  • Tom Coburn
  • Kim Jong Un
  • Abdullah Ocalan
  • Enrique Peña Nieto
  • Elena Kagan
  • Joe Biden
  • Susana Martinez
  • Mario Draghi
  • Joyce Banda
  • Pope Francis

TIME 100

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