Anna Fernandina Buquid: Bb. Pilipinas 26 Profile, Bios, & Photos

Anna Fernandina Buquid is a 22-year-old college students at the De La Salle-College of St. Benilde. The Quezon City beauty will enter her first-ever beauty pageant.

She was chosen as one of the aspiring Binibining Pilipinas 50 Golden Girls who will try to bring home the much-coveted title as the Miss Universe-Philippines. The candidate no. 26, Anna Fernandina Buguid is currently taking up Diplomatic Affairs course in one of the Philippines most prestigious university.

According to Dindi, nickname of Anna Fernandina, she thinks that being a beauty queen is similar to being a diplomat – both are representatives of the country.

Dindi is considered as one of the tallest contestant in this year’s edition of Bb. Pilipinas standing at around 5’11 3/4. She spent her academic year doing ramp modeling.

Here’s a quick profile for Anna Fernandina Buquid:

Age : 22 years old
Hometown : La Loma, Quezon City
School : De La Salle College of St. Benilde
Other info : Dindi plays basketball, volleyball, airsoft and ultimate frisbee.

Here’s some photos of Anna Buquid:

Anna Fernandina Buquid

Anna Buquid

Anna Buquid

Anna Buquid

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